What to Expect at our Gatherings

  • Our Sunday School class(es) starts at 9:00 AM with our main service starting at 10:00 AM.
  • Currently, we have nursery drop-off for Sunday school, but not for our main service (We do have an overflow room with a livestream, however, for parents to take children if they need). 
  • Our adult Sunday School options vary, but have included congregation-wide classes, women's classes and different elective classes. Please contact us for current offerings if you are planning on visiting during the Sunday School hour. 
  • For children, we currently have Pre-K, K-2 and 3rd-5th grade classes during the Sunday School hour.
  • We meet at 4479 Jackson Rd, Whites Creek, TN 37189 on the campus of Jonathan Edwards Classical Academy.

  • Our worship gatherings reflect a hybrid of both traditional and contemporary themes, where we seek to preserve the best of the old and embrace the best of the new. Our services typically contain readings from the Old and New Testaments, responsive prayer, musical worship, expository preaching, the Lord’s Supper, doxology, and benediction.